Movement Headquarters Physical Therapy is proud to partner with amazing organizations throughout Long Island to provide the highest quality care for all our clients. Check out any of the links below to learn how our partners can help you meet your health, wellness and fitness goals.

Cow Harbor CrossFit

Founded in 2012 in East Northport, the CHCF team believes in an inclusive fitness program that provides a platform for individuals off all abilities to achieve their fitness goals.

From novice to experienced CrossFit athletes, their group classes are designed to safely challenge you in a fun, supportive atmosphere. They believe that a community approach to fitness is the most successful model for achieving sustained success. If you have never tried CrossFit, check out their ‘Harbor Built Foundations Program’ which introduces anyone to the sport!

Through Strength and Family, the Harbor Runs Deep!

Outlift Athletics

All memberships and gym passes must be purchased on our website before coming into our gym. We recognized many problems with the commercial gym industry. We modeled Outlift Athletics to be everything a true 24/7 membership gym should be! Outlift Athletics combines the very best strength training equipment in the world, cardiovascular equipment, personal trainers, massage therapist, hyperbaric chamber therapy, and meal prep services combined with an extremely motivating atmosphere for all levels of fitness. Independently owned and operated by passionate fitness enthusiast Mike Smith and Alisa Tarsa. Never settle for a mediocre gym experience!

F45 Training Northport NY

F45 Training Northport NY offers functional group fitness classes, reimagined. We are more than just a gym. With over 5,000 exercises and 80+ workout classes in our database, F45 has an extensive selection of fun, fast-paced exercises that will keep you motivated to do more, achieve more, and be more! But no need to feel intimidated. This workout is for all ages and every body. And no two workouts are ever the same.